台灣最大官方求職求才服務網站,擁有最大的公務,醫療,教育及非營利組織職缺資料庫,是唯一完整整合公私部門職缺的專業人力資源網站, ejob is the largest official employment service website in Taiwan. With the most extensive database of job opportunities in public affairs, medical treatment, education and NGO, ejob becomes the only professional HR site...
morewhich completely integrates official and non-governmental job opportunities.
Hosting company: GSN, Taiwan Government Service Network.
Tags: Jobs, Job, Careers, Career, Work, 人力銀行, 青少年, 職業訓練, 人力資源, 身心障礙, 新鮮人, Ejob, 原住民, 更生人