MerZ IT-SerVice - Internetagentur aus Attendorn für eCommerce und eBusiness
Ecommerce, Blog, Joomla, Php, Webdesign, Wordpress, Css, Cms, Mysql, Html, Ajax, Xhtml, Onlineshop, Typo3, Ebusiness, Gestaltung, Barrierefrei, Shopsoftware, Xtcommerce, Homepageerstellung - Open Source CMS / Framework
Open Source, Php, Css, Cms, Mysql, Html, Ajax, Xhtml, Content, Object Oriented, Open, Content Management System, Php Framework, Framework, Php5, Php Cms, Sapphire, Content_Management, Silverstripe, Code Framework
Sitellite Enterprise PHP CMS
Open source, Php, Cms, Mysql, Content, Apache, Data, Document management, Application, Open, Content management system, Document, Framework, Digital asset management, Platform, Dms, Dam, Document management system, Sitesearch, Sitetracker
Sitellite 5 Web Content Management System
Social Web Content Management System - Home.
Open Source, Forum, Php, Software, Web 2.0, Cms, Mysql, Free, Board, Ajax, Script, Templates, Source, Open, Bulletin, Mods, Module, Content_Management, Social Web Cms
TruZone - Dedalus NukeET BrisaTop Tblog | Comunidad de Software Libre
Php, Web, Software, Css, Cms, Mysql, Html, Portal, Javascript, Noticias, Xhtml, Ajax, Páginas web, Software libre, Css html, Comunidad, Nuke, Web cms, Programacion, Libre
MerZ IT-SerVice - Internetagentur aus Attendorn für eCommerce und eBusiness
Ecommerce, Blog, Joomla, Php, Webdesign, Wordpress, Css, Cms, Mysql, Html, Ajax, Xhtml, Onlineshop, Typo3, Ebusiness, Gestaltung, Barrierefrei, Shopsoftware, Xtcommerce, Homepageerstellung
Perishable Press: Digital Design and Dialogue ~
Website Design, Social Media, Php, Wordpress Theme, Website Development, Wordpress, Css, Mysql, Html, Javascript, Ajax, Xhtml, Wordpress Plugin, Rss, Apache, Sql, Jquery, Htaccess, Perishable
Blueshoes php application framework and php cms
Open Source, Php, Linux, Mysql, Apache, Opensource, Framework, Php5, Application Framework, Php Cms, Scripting Language, Php4, Oop, Php Api, Phpunit
LoadaverageZero - the design is in the Code
Open Source, Php, Css, Mysql, Xhtml, Web Standards, Content, Firefox, Layout, Browser, Accessibility, Standards, Presentation, Disability, Structure, Client-Server
OUR TIMES | Canada's Independent Labour Magazine
Human Rights